High Resolution 3D Scan of a Shang or Early Western Zhou Bronze

Late Shang or Early Western Zhou (ca. 1100-1000 BCE)
Bronze. Santa Barbara Museum of Art

(Click on the image to interact. Please go FULLSCREEN for best effect)

To create this high resolution interaction model of a Chinese bronze I used an Artec Spider scanner.

This created a complex point cloud of millions of points, which later needed to be cleaned up and refined.

Later this was “skinned” into a mesh model, and then textured. The model and texture was cleaned up in Maya and Mudbox.

The scanning process was able to capture the texture of the leiwen spirals on the bronze, which my earlier process of photogrammetry was not able to. I have also annotated the ancestral dedication under the loop handle. For the full effect, please go FULLSCREEN and make sure the textures are set to HD.

For a lecture on the production, design, and function of Shang and Zhou bronzes, see the Lectures page.